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  • Waterproofing

Globally, numerous construction projects persist in utilizing traditional, high-carbon-releasing concrete waterproofing products, such as membranes, for subsurface applications. In this issue, we delve into the pressing need to transition away from these products and spotlight a validated, more eco-friendly alternative. This groundbreaking solution not only...

On going waterproofing works on bathrooms and wet areas for all units for a residential apartment building in Nairobi, Kenya. To learn more about waterproofing, reach out to us. Call: +254721766847Email: info@mauwest.co.kewebsite: https://mauwest.com/ #waterproofingsolutions #flooringsolutions #bathroomwaterproofingsystem #wetareaswaterproofing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YRzX92uGr4 ...

Concrete, while a marvel of modern engineering, is not without its limitations. One such limitation is its inherent porosity, making it susceptible to water penetration, chemical attack, and wear and tear. The Importance of Concrete Hardening To mitigate these issues and enhance the durability of concrete structures,...

When it comes to basements, leaks and flooding are challenges that need to be solved with urgency and permanently. The damages that occur as a result of leaking basements are huge – not just to the client, but also to the structure itself. Water leaking...

Ongoing #waterproofing works for a concrete gutter for a commercial building in Nairobi county, Kenya. The primary concern when waterproofing concrete gutters is to keep water from penetrating through the concrete and into the building. Waterproofed concrete gutters block water from permeating through the concrete and into...

Waterbars, waterstops, and swellable waterbars are three important waterproofing products used to protect buildings from water infiltration. Waterbars are extruded rubber or preformed polyethylene membranes that are inserted horizontally into construction joints and provide an impermeable barrier to water. They are placed within a concrete form...

PENETRON ADMIX is a unique crystalline waterproofing admixture used in waterproofing structures. Our ADMIX Tracer signals that genuine PENETRON ADMIX is in the concrete mix. It’s a guarantee of durable quality and peerless crystalline technology. Readily visible in the bleed water after the concrete pourColor dissipates...