19 Sep Sustainable Waterproofing APP Membrane with a lifespan of more than 45 years
William Foster once said “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
The roof, even when not visible, is the most important investment in the building. It protects your building and its contents against wind, weather, heat and cold. That’s the reason why at Mau West Company Ltd, we intensively engage in the studying of new, affordable and sustainable roofing products.
Imagine an APP membrane that does the following:
- Has a proven lifespan of more than 45 years. Which means that if put in two layers, the lifespan would be 90 years.(Standard APP has a lifespan of 10-15 years).
- Acts as a passive cooler for your roof and building-thus saving on the energy costs associated with cooling.
- Allows rainwater recycling-since the PH value of the water is not altered.
- Can be col bonded, torched, mechanically fastened and loose laid. Standard APP membranes are always torched on.
- Is fire resistant.
Coming Soon.
For more information, please email us at info@mauwest.co.ke or call us on 0734808052.